Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spring Sing

Gavin's daycare/preschool has a "Spring Sing" every year in the spring (hence, the name). All the children sing really cute songs that involve lots of movements and expression and the older kids get to recite poems and stuff. This was the 3rd year he has participated. However, this year was special because he is in the 4 year old preschool, which means he had a speaking part; quite a large speaking part at that. His poem was entitled "There Was An Old Lady Who Lived In A Zoo". Warning- This video footage is extremely raw. It may make you a little queasy. Please bare in mind that I was holding a very wiggly baby on my lap while I was videotaping with my little digital camera. But it is worth it because it's darn CUTE. I know the grandmas (& grandpas) will appreciate it.

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