Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have really been diggin' Gweneth Paltrow's blog/website, GOOP. You can sign up and receive her weekly newsletter about her favorite recipes, restaurants, fashion, parenting advice, music, travel, etc. Last week's newsletter was about Party Jams and she asked several well known DJs what their favorite party music was. She also shared her favorite party songs. I got some good suggestions and downloaded them onto my ipod for my workout mix. This week's newsletter was about 3 of her favorite Italian food recipes. You can sign up for GOOP here .

Favorite Bath Foam

A friend mentioned how much she liked this bath foam on her blog and I just happened to be in the market for some new bubble bath so I tried it and loved it. It's Boots Bath Foam and can be purchased at Target. It smells divine and foams up really well and doesn't fizzle out right away like other bubble baths do. And the added bonus is that the classic glass bottle looks pretty sitting on the edge of your tub.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Arabella

5 days old
5 lbs. 14 ounces (she gained 1 ounce)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Introducing... Arabella!

Arabella Tiffany Allred was born at 7:15 pm on Thursday, May 7th. She came 10 days early and she came very quickly (only about 3 pushes and she was here). She weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz. and was 17 inches long. We are so excited to finally have her with us!

Gavin's Birthday

We decided to celebrate Gavin's 4th birthday a little early since so many family members were in town (for my brother's 40th birthday party & my baby shower). Also, since Arabella was due 1 day after Gavin's real birthday we were worried we may not get the chance to give him a proper celebration. Gavin was ecstatic the whole day about his party. He picked out a Cars cake and wanted Cars themed toys as well (which is mostly what he got). I can't believe my little boy is 4 (on May 16th)!

Baby Shower

I had so much fun at my baby shower last Saturday. We had lunch at one of my favorite little restaurants, Porcupine Grill. Having it there made for a fun and casual event. Tiffany ordered yummy cupcakes from my favorite local cupcake bakery, So Cupcake. It was so special to have family from out of town there (like my sister, mom and grandma). Thank you mom and, especially, Tiffany for putting it together for me. Thanks to all that came and all of the wonderful gifts! These are just a few photos (thanks Ashlee for passing along some of the photos you took).