Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mommy Earns a Sticker!

Today while cleaning the kitchen and hangin' with my kiddos I was listening to some music (quite loud I might add) and I was singing and dancing along. Gavin commanded that I turn it off and I simply told him "No." I explained that my beloved reggae music reminds me of the beach and it makes me happy to listen to it. I figured he'd understand because he loves the beach to. However, this answer was not satisfactory for him so our conversation continued as follows...

G: "PLEASE turn that off!"

Me: "If you don't like it you can go downstairs."

G: "I asked you very nicely to turn it off. If you don't turn it off I will."

Me thinking... This sounds awfully familiar. I'm a little perturbed that my 4 year old is talking to me this way, but I'm curious where this conversation will go.


G: "If you turn the music off you can have a sticker!"

Me: Now he's really got my attention. This kid is using parenting techniques on ME. Mm, I wonder where he's heard that before. I want to see where he goes with this. "What kind of sticker?"

G: "You'll just have to turn the music off to find out."

I turn the music off

G: He brings me some stickers to choose from and I pick one. I place it on my shirt and ask him to take a picture (above).


Ashlee Kate Christofferson said...

Good Mommy!

béné said...

Smart kid !
What's the sticker about ? ( can't see it on the picture ).



Hollie said...

That is so great! I am glad you wrote this down so you can remember it in years to come. Bennett has been using the same technique with me lately and I tried the exact same response. I figure if I show him how I comply, he will. :)