Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 Things About Me

    I got this idea from Facebook and my friend, Ashlee, who posted something similar on her blog. These items are in no paricular order.

  1. Summer is my favorite season. I need lots of warm sunshine for my own personal sanity.

  2. I have a sun tatooed on my back that represents my love and need for the sunshine and it also represents my love for my family and my upbringing near the beach. I don't think I'll ever regret getting it because it has such deep rooted personal meaning to me.

  3. I adore my family and hate being so far from them.

  4. There is no place I'd rather be than at the beach.

  5. I love being tan. The tanner the better. However, I gave up sunbathing years ago because my family has a history of skin cancer.

  6. I pretty much hate winters in Utah. They are far too long and cold for my taste and my husband spends all his free time skiing.

  7. I used to get depressed in the winter time (after moving to Utah), but I haven't experienced depression since Gavin was born. It's nearly impossible to be sad around such a happy and sweet child.

  8. I do like to snowboard, but it needs to be a sunny day for me to really enjoy myself.

  9. I love playing volleyball (indoor or outdoor) and I've been playing in a women's league for the past 2 years.

  10. I love to cook and bake.

  11. My guilty pleasure is watching the food network. I especially like Everyday Italian and Barefoot Contessa.

  12. I love fashion and shopping and I mostly buy brand name clothing.

  13. I've always wanted to become fluent in at least one other language. I've studiend spanish for 3 years and Italian, but I'm not fluent in either language.

  14. I love Italian food and culture thanks to my sorella italiana (Italian sister), Silvia. She lived with my family for a year in high school and we've continued to keep in touch over the years. I was fortunate to go to Italy and travel around with her for about a month. I look forward to going back.

  15. I love to travel and have always wanted to try living in another country (if only for a year).

  16. I desperately want to master playing the guitar. Tony bought me a guitar and I took lessons for a while, but didn't stick with it.

  17. I love having a career in education, but I wish I could take a year or 2 off to be home with my kids.

  18. I was a vegetarian for 11 years. I do eat meat now, but NEVER beef.

  19. I love to read (mostly fiction) and my all time favorite book is Outlander.

  20. My dream job would be to be a successful children's book author.

  21. I bought a mountain bike last summer and I hope to be able to get up on the trails this coming year.

  22. I love camping, hiking, and the outdoors. I really don't mind the dirt at all.

  23. Every year I enter the HGTV Dream Home Giveaway and I always convince myself that I have a chance of winning (this year the house is in Sonoma Valley, CA). A little wishful thinking never hurt anyone.

  24. My mantra in life is "everything in moderation" and my favorite quote is "Life is good."

  25. I believe that every working mother deserves a cleaning lady and one of these days I'm going to get one.

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